Sunday, December 28, 2008

Please Pray For MK (e-mail from Shelly 10/13/2008)

Hello everyone. MK had to go to the doctor today for another round of injections and when she got there, it was discovered that she has acquired another infection. She was prescribed 2 different antibiotics and she has to go back on Wednesday for a check-up. If the infection hasn’t improved by then, it is likely that she’ll have to have another surgery to clean out the infection. She will probably email you guys with more/better details, but she asked that I send a quick email to everyone to ask you to please start praying for her. I was with her on Friday and someone that she hadn’t seen in a few weeks told her that she has the sparkle back in her eyes. He was right, and I sure don’t want her to have to lose that sparkle again, so please, please say a prayer for her. Thank you so much!!Shelly (MK’s friend)

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