Hello Army!! Hope you are all well!! Tomorrow is the big day!! I have to be there at 7:00 and assume my surgery will start around 9:00. I want to thank each of you for your continued prayers, support, and love. The past few weeks have at times seemed to drag along but at times have flown by...for the most part, I have had much less anxiety and fear...and that is a direct result of your prayers!! Yesterday was an extremely uplifting and inspiring day!! Brucie's Jr. Lady Southerners had t-shirts made that say "MK's Warriors" (in navy blue and vegas gold, of course)...and all my co-workers and several of their kids had the shirts on yesterday. Then, the MKSA staff and all the kids gathered in the front of our building and I got tons of hugs and an awesome basket full of gift and an awesome binder full of scriptures, inspirational quotes and songs, and messages from members of this Army. Yes, yesterday was wonderful!!

And today has been good. We had no travel problems and made it to Houston...where it is very HOT...with no troubles. We ate at The Cheesecake Factory (compliments of my dear friend Courtney and my mom). I ate fried mac and cheese and chicken and biscuits...I'm pretty sure about half way through the meal I slipped into a food coma!! We both got a piece of cheesecake to bring back with us to our hotel. I am going to eat it at 11:59 tonight...sure hope I don't get sick after surgery tomorrow...that would not be pretty!!!
We got back to the hotel and Brucie was in need of a Mountain Dew. Let me just tell you, Coke has corned the market in the Texas Medical Park!! We started walking all around looking for a Mountain Dew. We walked and we walked and we walked...and no Mountain Dew...but we did a good job of working off the fried mac and cheese! We finally found ONE Mountain Dew in the snack shop of a Marriot Hotel several blocks from our hotel. We started back to our hotel and again we walked and we walked and we walked...and we had no idea where we were. The entire time we walked, I was quietly singing in my mind "Here I Am Lord". I just could not get that song out of my head. I was trying to talk to Brucie, but I just continued to hear that song. And we just continued to walk...and in my head I am hearing "Hear I am Lord, Is it I Lord...I have heard you calling in the night..." over and over. And then I just started singing it...and singing it loudly...and I don't sing well...but I was singing...and Brucie started singing with me. And then we rounded a corner and on the backside of the main hospital at MD Anderson was the most glorious waterfall and fountain. It had tons of water, pouring over a wall and it had beautiful lights with giant sprays of water. I walked up to that fountain and the water was spraying all over me...and it was glorious!! It was God and he was saying, "yes, you hear me this night...because I am here...I have been here...and I will continue to be here!" And I cried...cried because once again God showed me his awesome power and amazing grace! He used that Mountain Dew...that $3.00, 20 ounce Mountain Dew to get me to where I needed to be. All the time walking, He was trying to talk to me and I just kept trying to push Him out and trudge on...but He wasn't going to let that happen this night!! He reminded me in a very bold and grand way, that He has a plan for me...and though I don't always know or understand the plan, it's the plan He has for me! I feel such peace tonight! I have no idea what we will find out tomorrow. But I am ready. I am ready to know what we are dealing with and what our plan of attack will be. Selfishly, I have lots of plans for myself…plans with my family and friends. But tonight I was reminded that no matter what…I’m going to be okay…because “Here I am, Lord...it IS I Lord...and I have heard you calling”!! I ask that each of you enlist as many people as you can to join my Army and pray for us tomorrow morning. My only fear is that Brucie will have to hear and then give me bad news. This will be my first surgery without my mom and/or dad with us...Brucie's first time to do this all alone. I know this will be difficult for him...so please say extra prayers for my Brucie!! I thank each of you for the prayer support!! I will update you guys as soon as we know something...which could be several days. Much love to you all!! Big hugs, big tears, lots of smiles!! MK
Hebrews 11:1 Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you cannot see.
Mary Katherine, You are an awesome person and God is on your side. I am praying for you, Brucie and your whole family. Good Luck Today!! GOD BLlESS!!!! Love YOU!!!!
MK, I got tears in my eyes and a big Smile on my face while picturing you standing in front of that glorious fountain, singing that glorious song! Your faith is so strong and you have many soldiers standing beside you in this battle. Sending much love and big hugs to you, especially today!!! XX
Tears of JOY for your Amazing Faith and Strength. You are the living example of "the JOY of the LORD is MY Strength" Thank you for sharing and allowing me the privilege of lifting you to our Glorious Father God!!
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