Hello Army!! Hope this e-mail finds you all enjoying the last of summer. Everything is great with me. This e-mail is less of an Update and more of an Invitation! The e-mail below is from my sister-in-law, Erin (you guys know her as Erin Claus)!! She is a Race for the Cure team captain and is organizing our team. Her goal is to have the largest team participating in the Race this year and with your help we certainly can make that happen. Please consider participating in the Race this year. Last year was my first year to participate and it was AMAZING!! I walked that route with my family, closest friends, and co-workers and it was a feeling like no other!! I would love nothing more than to share that experience with each of you this year. It would be like a symbolic journey. I have been so blessed to have each of you walk this journey with me, so to have each of you literally walk with me would just be a blessing beyond words!! I would also like to encourage you to invite others to join the team. And, if you know any breast cancer survivors, please let them know about our team. I would love for our team to have the most survivors as well!! I believe the t-shirts are going to have a Charlie's Angels theme--the shirt Erin described to me sounded awesome. She is so creative. When she asked me if she could lead a team named Army of Angels I was very honored and excited but my uncreative mind just assumed the shirts would be camo!! But I loved watching Charlie's Angels so I was very excited when she described her idea to me. I also think it is cool since one of the Angels, Jacklyn Smith, is a breast cancer survivor. And all this is for men as well. One of the coolest things about the race was all of the men that lined the entire route cheering for us. I mean it was so cool!! Some of the men handed out pink flowers to the survivors--I got one and it was so neat! There was a group of bikers and they had a huge banner that read, "Stop the war in my rack"!! I clearly loved that banner!! So you men need to sign up too, help raise some money, and then line that route wearing our team t-shirt!! Remember to e-mail Erin so she can add you to the maililng list and keep you updated on the team plans. Please come join us for fun and fellowship and CELEBRATION!! Remember, the money you raise WILL help find a cure for breast cancer and one day we will all participate in a Race of Celebration!! I hope to see ALL of you October 17th!! Much love to each of you!!!!!!! MK
Erin's e-mail:
Hey, everyone! It's that time of year again. Race For The Cure is just around the corner. How exciting!
The 2009 Race date is October 17th, 2009!
I am the co-captain of the Sylvan Hills Church of Christ team, along with Terri Cobb. We want each of you to join in having the largest team at the Race. I know this is a big goal, but with your help we can do it!
This is your opportunity to help with a great cause. All of us know someone who has been effected by breast cancer, and by signing up or making a donation to our team you are making a difference in the fight against breast cancer.
To sign-up: Go to www.komenarkansas.org, and go to the "Race for the Cure" page. Once you are there click on "Register" on the right hand side, then click "Join a team" on the left hand side. It will ask you for a team name. Our team is Sylvan Hills Church of Christ and we are in the Church category. Then click "Search for a Team". In the search results click on the Team Name Sylvan Hills Church of Christ (Army of Angels) [my name should be there as captain]. This should take you to our team page. If you scroll to the bottom there is a link that says "Join Team" in a gray box next to the team name. Then follow the steps to register as a participant. If you plan to walk with us on race day then select the first option.
If you have any problems or questions, please email me at erin.brogdon@gmail.com. If you want me to register you or want me to mail in your registration then email me or call me at 580-5919 and I'll get your info.
I know we are registered as the Sylvan Hills Church of Christ, but we want participants from all over the community, county and state to join our team. We are going to have a blast! We have some fun race-related events planned, so stay tuned for details.
We will also have team t-shirts for sale. Once you register, please email me your shirt size so we can get a count of how many to order. I'll get the price to you in the coming weeks.
Since my inspiration to be involved in this cause is Mary-Katherine Hardin, my sister-in-law (the best one in the world!), we are calling ourselves the Army of Angels. Mary-Katherine (or MK) uses this phrase to describe the people who encourage her and prayed for her during her battle with breast cancer. If you want to read about her journey go to mkupdates.blogspot.com
We hope each of you will join our team (men and women), and we challenge each of you to invite at least one friend to participate (more would be fantastic!). Feel free to forward to anyone you think would be interested.
Keep the deadlines below in mind so you don't miss out. Sign up today!!
Offline team postmark date September 17, 2009
Mail-In individual postmark date September 30, 2009
Last date to register online and receive
your t-shirt and bib by mail September 30, 2009
Last date to register online October 14, 2009
Dates for Race space October 6-October 16, 2009
I will send additional emails to this distribution list as we get closer to the Race date. If you received this email from a friend and you want to be on our team, please email me directly so I can add you to the list. (Also, if you want to be removed from this list, please let me know.)
I'll be in touch soon with more information. Thank you all!!
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