Tuesday, May 20, 2008

MK Update 1/15/2008

Just a quick update from yesterday:
My CT scans of my chest, abdomen, and pelvis came back clear! J There was a brief scare with the bone scan, but it turns out that I have a fractured rib—no cancer in the bones either! I guess that cough I had in November and December finally got the better of my rib! So that was great news! I met with Dr. Bauer, the plastic surgeon. He was awesome! I have decided to be very proactive and preventative in my approach to this cancer. I am going to have a double mastectomy with reconstructive surgery. This way, my percentage of recurrence is less than 1% in both breasts. You can’t get much better than that! The procedure is scheduled for 9:30, Wednesday, January 30th. Dr. Bauer assured me that when all of this was over I would fill out a bra, bathing suit, and sweater better than ever! That will take some getting used to! I still have to talk with Dr. Hagans next week and make sure that he is okay with my decision and that the chemotherapy will not cause major problems with the reconstruction of my breasts. But, barring anything crazy I do plan to have the procedure on the 30th. Dr. Bauer said if I did take chemotherapy that would slow down the reconstruction considerably but I should be finished with all of those procedures in seven to eight months if there are no complications. I will have to be in the hospital 2 days and then have about a 10-day home recovery. Dr. Bauer said he could tell I was very tough and not feeling sorry for myself. He said he thought I would speed through the recovery with no problems. I sure like it when people tell me I am tough!!!! For those of you who are concerned please hear this---I could careless if I have “real” breasts or not! I barely have them anyway and don’t really care what they look like. I still am way more concerned about losing my hair than my breasts! J Dr. Bauer said it was clear I was mentally read for all that was coming my way—I take that as a huge compliment. I surely owe that to all of you who have been praying so diligently for my mental as well as physical health! Like I said initially, I know there will be some yucky days, but as of now I have been able to limit those to yucky moments and that has been wonderful! I can’t thank each of you enough for all you have done to keep me going in this fight. Thanks way in advance for your future prayers and support! Love you all—you are awesome! MK

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