Well, I did it--my hair is now gone! Chris and I went yesterday evening and the lady that cuts my hair, Angie, shaved it all off--and I mean ALL! I had been so dreading that day and was really feeling very depressed and somewhat anxious about the whole experience. When Angie started shaving, I cried and she cried and poor Chris just held my hand. I made myself watch because I sure wasn't going to let cancer have that much control over me. As she shaved, I remembered Pastor Bob's sermon from Sunday and found that sermon in that special place in my heart. About the time I reached that special place, Angie had shaved all of my hair off. She initially used the highest guard and when she finished I still had some very short hair left and was amazed at how much I looked like my younger brother, Jay. It was sort of funny and I even laughed about that! Not that Jay is funny looking, but Jay as a girl is certainly funny! HA! The more she shaved the better I felt. It was certainly a strange experience. I guess I just felt like I was taking back control over this cancer. And it was certainly renewing to be able to chase away the Devil and that Fear Monster so quickly!! I think God has an excellent sense of humor--looking in that mirror and seeing so much of Jay in my face was so funny! I talked to Jay last night and he found the whole thing pretty funny too! I am going to have Erin or Chris take our picture next week--I'll send it to all of you so you can see the humor as well. Laughter is great medicine and by the time it was all over Chris, Angie, and I were all laughing. Chris got his head shaved too--he has wanted to shave what hair he has left off for a long time. We look like quite a couple! When I started to leave the salon, I put on one of my hats. I brought the hat with me that was similar to the beautiful lady's hat that I saw when I went for my first chemo treatment. Well, let me just say I never realized how much hair I had because the hat was too big. It fell over my eyes--which provided us with another good laugh. When we got home, I tried on all of my hats and most of them were too big. Only two of them fit right now and Mom is going to work on the other hats over the weekend. Today was hat day at the clinic--so everyone had on a hat which was comforting. Everyone at work was so supportive, which was great. I have had some fun with this whole thing. Today, Chris and I played with three wigs that a place in Little Rock sent me. They are not the right color so I am going to take them back. But we sure had fun putting them on. Chris looked like Steven Hill in one of them. He just needed a headband! It was so funny!!! Our dogs were looking at us like we were crazy! Like I have said before--my Chris is awesome--trying on wigs, sending me flowers, and assuring me that he still thinks I am beautiful--what a blessing! We went out to eat tonight. God is great--when we walked through the door of the restaurant, the hostess said, "I love your hat"! That was so great because I was feeling a little self-conscious. While we were eating I told Chris about something that happened at work today and I told him, "it made me so crazy I almost pulled my hair out!" We both got a big laugh out of that. I will see my nephews Friday--I can't wait to see what they have to say! I know Zac will make jokes all weekend. He is so funny and has the best wit for a ten year old--I can't wait to hear some of the lines he will throw at me. And one can only guess what Alex will have to say! We have been preparing them for this for a while now--I am certain they will make me laugh! I just feel so much better physically and mentally this week. I'm ready for the next treatment--which will be Monday. I have really prayed this week that my body will handle the chemo better this time and that my spiritual, mental, and emotional health will remain strong! Again, I thank God for each of you daily! You are my "Army of Angels" and I would be lost in this battle without each of you! I am enjoying the highs of this week while I prepare to handle the lows that will be coming in the next few weeks. Thanks again for all you have done for me and my family! Love to you all! MK