Five down--ONE TO GO!!! My last treatment is scheduled for tomorrow. I feel pretty confident that my blood counts will be good enough to have the treatment--I certainly hope so anyway. These last two treatments have been pretty hard to get through, especially this last treatment. I was able to go to church with Dad (and the rest of the family) on Father's Day. The best medicine continues to be Zac and Alex and the rest of my family. When I am stuck at home and can't get out around people, David always brings the boys over to hang out with me. Even when I feel bad, they make me laugh and certainly lift my spirits. They are so sweet and loving.
I have found this entire experience to be nothing short of crazy. Just when I think I have everything figured out, something crazy happens. There are times when I feel like I am in control and feel like I am doing great spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Then, there are times when I feel like I have no control over anything and those are the times that I become very weak spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I do know that I have grown more as a person, specifically spiritually, throughout this experience--sometimes I just struggle to realize that growth.
I am proud to have each of you to share this experience with me. I look forward to sending the next e-mail update--the "no more chemo" update! I ask that you pray that I will be able to find the strength to get through this final treatment and to be strong spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Thanks to each of you for loving me so much! Your prayers continue to sustain me. I pray for each of you daily. You are all amazing! I'll be in touch soon!!! Much love, MK
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